Portfolio Bootcamp Reboot: A BIC Tradition Returns in 2021
Despite being virtual, BICsters were still able to roll up their sleeves and take their portfolios to the next level during BIC's Portfolio Therapy.
BIC Prof Sandra Stahl's “The Art & Craft of PR” en español
"My hope, from the beginning, for The Art & Craft of PR was to offer a forward-looking perspective about public relations that connected with current practitioners and those considering entering the field. It is very exciting to expand its reach to Spanish-speaking audiences around the world. As an audiobook, Arte y Oficio de las Relaciones Publicas is a really fun listen-- it not only features a great reader who brings to life the ideas, the stories and anecdotes, there's also music and a terrific translation." - Sandra Stahl

BICsters Impress Talent Seekers at the Virtual BIC PiP 2021
BIC is the only academic program with the chutzpah to give recruiters a sneak peek at portfolios prior to completion.
BIC Program Director Nancy R. Tag Talks Current Job Market Trends
"Stay curious. The communications industry evolves so rapidly that the ability to absorb and apply new information is critical to being successful and making an impact." - BIC Program Director Nancy R. Tag

Spring Forward >> BICsters Rising
Bravo to our BICsters who make us proud every day! Keep on rising!

BICster's Lighten Up with This Spring's Corporate Capstone for Diageo
BICsters in the Class of 2021 have been entrusted to work on Diageo's latest product innovation: Baileys Deliciously Light. With 40% less calories and 40% less sugar than Baileys Original Irish Cream, people can get a light and versatile treat with all of the yummy taste of the original Baileys people know and love.

Michael Farmer in Media Village: Forget the Ivy League
“Our students are not put off by Madison Avenue's manslaughter -- they are used to upheavals, toughened by their personal experiences, and eager to attack the real world with all its opportunities. For an industry needing transformation, diversity, equity and inclusion, CCNY stands ready, as it always has, to provide well-educated graduates who have the right stuff.”

Career Happy with Job Coach Hillary Black
HILLARY BLACK is the former managing director and partner at Kay & Black, a leading talent management firm, and currently a VP, Global Executive Recruitment & Leadership Development at WPP.

New Year. New Semester. New BIC Faculty.
Excited to welcome Marina Beldi, Jessica Lomasson, Castro Desroches, and Melanie Deziel to Spring 2021.

2020 BIC Picks
2020 was certainly a year for the history books. As we enter the New Year, here's a look back at some great reads and thought leadership pieces that BIC faculty and BICsters have been enjoying.