New Year, New BIC Faculty: Welcome ALL!!
Posted on
01/20/2022 10:00
It's a New Year which means a new semester and new BIC faculty

Michael Farmer in Media Village: Forget the Ivy League
Nancy R. Tag
Posted on
03/03/2021 14:39
“Our students are not put off by Madison Avenue's manslaughter -- they are used to upheavals, toughened by their personal experiences, and eager to attack the real world with all its opportunities. For an industry needing transformation, diversity, equity and inclusion, CCNY stands ready, as it always has, to provide well-educated graduates who have the right stuff.”

2020 BIC Picks
Posted on
01/26/2021 14:54
2020 was certainly a year for the history books. As we enter the New Year, here's a look back at some great reads and thought leadership pieces that BIC faculty and BICsters have been enjoying.