GroupM of North America CEO and BIC Board Member Kirk McDonald: The Best Lecture You’ll Never Hear
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05/11/2022 10:00
The perks of being a BICster!

On Wednesday May 4th, BICsters in BIC Professor Michael Farmer’s Internal Management class were treated to an intimate session with CEO of GroupM North America and BIC Board Member, Kirk McDonald. After having to reschedule his @BIC lecture “Permission to Believe. Embrace the Chaos. Do more good. Make Advertising Better,” Kirk was able to give his lecture to a smaller group of BIC students who shared with him their assignment to analyze two case studies provided by Professor Farmer.
The new format (and homework assignment!) gave Kirk a chance to rethink his topic which led to a (literally) “on the fly” PowerPoint presentation that he’d done on a plane ride home from Chicago. In addition to sharing some real news on agency performance, Kirk took students through GroupM’s history and current framework. The robust Q&A dug deeper into the issues of the day, including the meaning of “back to work,” a phrase that Kirk said needed to be thrown out and rethought.
Due to the intimate nature of the conversation, the Zoom was not recorded and therefore it'll only live in the lucky minds of those on the call! That is one of the perks of being a BICster; namely the ability to connect and listen to those making a difference in our industry. Interested in joining the BIC Class of 2024? There’s still time to apply to BIC! Apply by June 1st for admission for Fall 2022.
Thank you so much to Kirk for your time, generosity and wisdom as always.
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