Congrats to BIC's Breakout Class of 2022: Bravo to the Bold and Brave
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06/03/2022 10:00
From defending multi-faceted portfolios to pitching integrated marketing campaigns, the BIC Class of 2022 proved that they are bold, determined and resilient

Entering at the height of the COVID pandemic, the BIC Class of 2022 graduates are more prepared to transform the industry than they had ever imagined. They navigated unprecedented disruption locked in a Zoom grid with tenacity and grace while rising to every academic challenge -- never wavering in their commitment to earn a BIC degree. From defending multi-faceted portfolios to pitching integrated marketing campaigns, the BIC Class of 2022 proved that they are bold, determined and resilient.
With 22 students from across the Globe, including Mexico, China, South Africa, the UK, Afghanistan, Nigeria as well as students from closer to home like Brooklyn, New York, the BIC Class of 2022 is diverse, dynamic, and driven. In the last weeks of the semester, many were already snagging jobs in their chosen fields as brand managers, strategists, and art directors.
In the past few months, BIC’s 8th cohort pitched multi-media campaigns for BIC's Non-Profit capstone partner, CUNY School of Medicine. They also showed the future of banking is bright in pitches for their Corporate Capstone client, Wells Fargo, and were rewarded with the ultimate compliment: sponsors requested repeat performances in front of corporate leaders at Wells Fargo headquarters in New York City.
But the proof isn't just in the capstone pitches and portfolios, but in the awards and scholarships bestowed upon the BIC Class of 2022. Emma Jean Rayner and Oyinda Amu won the DezMax Scholarship. The Class of 2022 also had two MAIP Fellows, Lisa de la Paz (interning now at Droga5) and Amy Perez (interning now at TBWA Health.) Jack Yu was also selected to represent BIC as an AIGA Fresh Grad.
At the graduation celebration on Wednesday, May 31st, 2022, congratulations and awards were presented to BICsters as their proud friends and families (who flew in from around the world) watched them graduate with accolades. Certificates of distinction were handed to three students with the highest GPAs: Shadiq Williams with a 3.84, Miriam Prever with a 3.89, and Emma Jean Rayner with a near perfect GPA of 3.95. Other shout outs went to BIC grads who also CCNY undergrad alums: Akasha Solis and Camila Franco Diaz.
Class of ‘22 BICsters were also joined by BICsters from the BIC Class of 2020 and 2021 who weren’t able to have their own graduation ceremonies due to the pandemic. It was a sweet moment to see BICsters meet and finally have their graduation moment.
Watch out world, the BIC Class of 2022 are on their way and ready to make their mark!!
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