Rob Schwartz Returns to Shepherd Capstoners into the Spring Semester
Posted on
02/15/2024 14:19
TBWA Chair and Executive Coach leads Corporate Capstone BICsters again in a team dynamics workshop

Team work makes the dream work >> especially when it comes to the BIC Capstone. For two semesters, BICsters work in interdisciplinary teams to create IMCPs for two real clients.
Few people know more about teamwork than Rob Schwartz. During his long career with TBWA\Chiat\Day, Rob held a variety of roles including: CCO, CEO, and Chair. After 25+ years on Madison Avenue and recently earning certificates in Leadership & Performance Coaching and in Team Coaching from Brown University, Rob is now TBWA’s first in-house Executive Coach. Last Fall, Rob sat down with each capstone team to help them identify what values they share as a mini-agency - the values of a team is like its Operating System; the OS determines every decision made while working together.
To start off the spring semester strong, BIC brought Rob back on February 8th for part two of his Team Dynamics Workshop. This time the focus was on how the values each team chose showed up during their group work. Did they live up to their values, or forget about them?
After the workshop, Rob sat with each team to observe their dynamics first-hand.
Thank you, Rob, for your continued dedication to the BIC program and our BICsters! Your knowledge and expertise is invaluable!
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