Power to the Pencil >> BICsters Pick Up Two Pencils At This Year’s Young Ones Awards
BICsters strike again at the Young Ones Awards
BIC’s 2022 MAIP Fellows: Amy Perez and Lisandra de la Paz
Amy Perez will be joining TBWA\WorldHealth as a Strategist and Lisandra de la Paz has been selected by Droga5 to join their strategy department…

2022 DezMax Scholarship Winners Tackle The Venezuelan Refugee Crisis and Prenatal Equity
Congratulations to this year's DezMax Scholarship winners, Ariadne Rosales Valero BIC ‘23 and Oyinda Amu BIC ‘22
Fall 2021 >> BIC Portfolios In Review
The Fall Portfolio Reviews mark a significant turning point in the development of second year portfolios.
Ready to Change the World: BIC Welcomes The Class of 2023
BICsters back on campus for the BIC Class of 2023 orientation.

Hot Job Summer >> BICsters Rising
Bravo to Chris, Amera, Melissa and Carlos! BIC Creatives are CRUSHING it!
Go BIC or Go Home: BICsters Rising
Bravo Joseph, Melissa, and Kenneth for showing how when BICsters rise, they rise high! Keep on crushing it!
The BIC Class of 2021: Agile. Sharp. Dynamic.
From defending exceptional portfolios to pitching integrated marketing campaigns, the BIC Class of 2021 proved that they are agile, sharp and dynamic.

Thirty amazing portfolios. Twenty-five judges. One Powerhouse Portfolio Defense.
Jermine Hodges (Creative) and Mike Edwards (Management / Planning) earn perfect scores. Alex Rhoden gets top score for Public Relations.
Coming In Hot: Castro Desroches BIC '16 Clinches Award After Award for His Campaign "You Love Me"
Cleans up at Clios, D&AD, One Show, Ad Age, ANDY's...