The Time to S.A.V.E. is Now >> BICsters Fight for a Safer Harlem
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09/26/2022 14:00
2nd year BICsters meet their Non-Profit Capstone client, Harlem Mothers Stop Another Violent End (S.A.V.E.)

On September 1, 2022, this year’s Non-Profit Capstone client, Harlem Mothers Stop Another Violent End (S.A.V.E), came to campus and tasked 2nd year BICsters with a hyper-local challenge that is both formidable and life-changing. Taught by Professor Katina Scott, the Non-Profit Capstone takes on a mission-based communications project each Fall with the intention of making a positive impact on society. As a signature requirement of the BIC program, it’s also pivotal to the success of next semester's Corporate Capstone taught by BIC Program Director and Professor Nancy R. Tag in the Spring.
After an initial email introduction by CCNY President Vince Boudreau and an in-person meeting at Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E headquarters in August, the grassroots organization was welcomed into the classroom on Thursday evening. Nancy remarked that they lit up the BIC space: “Founder Jackie Rowe-Adams was electrifying. The students were eager to jump into this project after being inspired by her and her colleagues.”
Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E. was founded in 2006 by Jackie Rowe-Adams, a local Harlem mother and activist, with the support of then New York State Assemblyman Keith L. T. Wright. After losing two sons to gun violence and seeing gang violence and shootings rising daily, she could take it no more. Jackie founded Harlem Mothers (S.A.V.E.) determined to fight to keep other families from experiencing the life-altering agony of losing loved ones to senseless gun violence.
Joyce Rivers from Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E. identified its key communications goal as putting a spotlight on the organization’s efforts to prolong the life of Harlem’s youth by preventing violence, its social causes, and costs. Currently, their efforts are focused on three areas: victim services, education, and activism. As Jackie stated squarely to BICsters: “We’re here asking for your help to get us on the map so we can continue our work.”
Divided into three interdisciplinary teams, BICsters from each track will tackle this semester-long project by taking a cross-disciplinary approach to create distinctive integrated marketing communications campaigns. In mid-December, the teams will pitch their proposals to Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E along with other community leaders who will determine the winning campaign.
Past non-profit capstone clients have included Memorial Sloan Kettering, CUNY School of Medicine, CUNYArts, Sandy Hook Promise, The Grove School of Engineering, Columbia Children’s Health, The Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, and the UJA.
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