BIC Director Shares “The Power of the Portfolio” with Allies in Recruiting
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03/01/2023 13:54
Allies in Recruiting (AIR) discover that the proof is in the portfolio.

On January 18th, BIC Professor and Program Director Nancy R. Tag gave a presentation to over 30 members of AIR: Allies in Recruiting about the most impactful way to find talent and innovative thinking in the next decade. To BIC, it’s all about “The Power of the Portfolio.”
Since going digital, portfolios have evolved from more than just large, thin, flat cases that contain your work. At BIC, they’re evidence of expertise, guided by the four P’s: Product, Process, Professionalism, and Personality. Throughout their two years in the program, BIC students repackage their coursework through a discipline lens and “ownable” professional positioning in order to build portfolios that are not just unique to each student, but allow for exploration, innovation, and the type of cross-disciplinary vision that will move the communications industry into the future.
As a recruiting collective of more than 100+ dedicated to increasing diversity in the communications industry, AIR believes in dismantling legacy thinking and policies that are barriers to diverse workforces in the advertising and marketing industries. It provides support for the future of our industry and beyond. At BIC, the future is in the portfolio.
Thank you to AIR for allowing us to be a part of your recruiting sessions!
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