Class of 2025 Transforms the Commute with NYC Ferry
Posted on
12/18/2023 11:56
BICsters sail through Foundation Fall by pitching to the NYC Ferry marketing team.

The BIC Class of 2025 wrapped up their foundation semester by presenting multi-media campaigns for NYC Ferry to Professors Natalie Alcide and Nancy R. Tag – plus, the IRL client >> Jessica Hensel Director of Marketing and Jacquie Walther Creative Director of NYC Ferry. As part of B2002 Idea Development, this semester-long project inspires student teams to strategize, conceptualize, and then execute a multi-media communications campaign that includes the four "C's" of content (using 2-D, time-based, interactive, and story-building elements), context, connection, and conversation via Paid, Earned, Owned, and Shared media channels.
Each section identified a business and marketing problem for the first part of BIC's S-A-D model: the strategic message. Teams of three conceptualized Big Ideas before executing synergistic multimedia elements designed to build brand value and engage New Yorkers.
In the final stages of campaign development, Professors Alcide and Tag imitated real-life challenges by throwing students a curveball that needed to be folded into their campaign narratives. For Nancy's class, it was the freezing of the NY Harbor. For Natalie’s class, it was an assembly of the United Nations that caused traffic jams throughout the city.
Check out some of the work >>
Bravo BICsters on completing your first semester at BIC!
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