BIC Bash: Saluting 10 years & Nancy R. Tag’s Farewell
Posted on
02/28/2024 11:04
Current students, Alums, Faculty, Board members, and friends of BIC join together at Omnicom to celebrate BIC and Nancy’s legacy.

The BIC Bash and Networking event, held to honor BIC's 10-year legacy and its founder, Nancy R. Tag, was a once-in-a-lifetime event. BIC students, alumni, faculty, board members, and friends of BIC came together at OMD for an evening of mingling and networking.
Never before had so many members of the BIC community come together in one room. The atmosphere was one of connection, gratitude, happiness, joy, and pride as everyone in the room reflected on the incredible accomplishments of the program; an MPS program unlike any other, founded by Nancy that over the past ten years became a program that has had a major impact on the communications industry in NYC and beyond.
As Nancy R. Tag, Founding Director of BIC, said, “it was a tear-jerking, emotionally uplifting, super celebratory, utterly fabulous, once-in-a-lifetime event. I am humbled. And forever in awe of this amazing community.”
A special thank you to those who helped make the event possible, including faculty and students such as Jane, Maria, Valentina, Dana, Roderic, Alyssa, Aysia, Jody, Kristina, Miriam, Stella, Hanako, Shadiq, and Gabrielle. And an extra big BIC thank you to the individuals who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to plan and execute the BIC Bash: alums Bella Santana, Andy Kwan, Interim PD Katina Scott and Program Manager Rebecca Rivera.
And a huge shoutout to OMD’s facilities team for generously donating the beautiful venue and managing the catering. THANK YOU!
The BIC Bash and Networking event is in the books. Stay tuned to see what’s next for the BIC MPS program and community.
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