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BICsters Speak on Gen-Z Vibe at Cassandra Panel

By BIC CCNY Posted on 09/26/2023 11:02

Cassandra hosted a panel to dive into about how we perceive aesthetics in this Gen Z world

Alumni Shadiq Williams joins BIC board

By BIC CCNY Posted on 09/21/2023 14:31

Shadiq (BIC ‘22) becomes the second Alumni on the BIC Board

Summer Heat Rises, and so do BICsters!

By BIC CCNY Posted on 09/12/2023 11:26

BIC Alumni accepted fantastic new roles and recognitions this summer!

BICsters Embark on the Baylander for Annual BIC Mixer

By BIC CCNY Posted on 09/01/2023 13:50

The incoming BIC Class of 2025 mingled over food and drinks with the BIC Class of 2024.

BIC Welcomes its 10th Cohort >> Class of 2025 Orientation

By BIC CCNY Posted on 09/01/2023 13:37

Our newest BICsters arrive at Shepard Hall for BIC Orientation and Luncheon.

Cecilia and Stella win D&AD New Blood Pencil

BRAVO >> BICsters win D&AD Pencil

By BIC CCNY Posted on 07/04/2023 12:14

Cecilia and Stella forget they entered…until they won!


BIC’s 2023 AIGA Fresh Grad is Genaldri Tjahjadi

By BIC CCNY Posted on 06/27/2023 11:30

Canadian wildfires couldn’t dampen this year’s ceremony.

How Sweet It IS >> The BIC Class of 2023

By BIC CCNY Posted on 06/03/2023 10:53

To BIC’s hungry learners, Discord denizens, and tireless capstoners.

Diving Deep and Soaring >> Portfolio Defense 2023

By BIC CCNY Posted on 06/03/2023 10:48

Top scores in each track this year went to Gabrielle Newland (PR), Hanako Suzuki (Creative) and Isabella Santana (MP).

BICsters vs. AI: Head-to-Head at BrXnd Conference NYC

By BIC CCNY Posted on 06/02/2023 12:26

BICsters participate in the inaugural BrXnd Conference hosted in NYC.